Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fashion Photography - 2258 Words

| FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY | SIDDHALI DOSHI | | SECTION F | 11/30/2011 | | TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive summary 1 2. Introduction 2 3. History 4 4. Popular digital cameras 6 5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of writing this report is to enhance my knowledge on the topic that most interests me. Fashion photography is an essential part in the fashion world. The scope of writing this report is to learn all I can about fashion photography and use my findings in the future. I began my research by referring to some books from the library. Then I referred to the web. I learnt many interesting facts. I learnt†¦show more content†¦In 1911, photographer Edward Steichen was â€Å"dared† by Lucien Vogel, the publisher of Jardin des Modes and La Gazette du Bon Ton, to promote fashion as a fine art by the use of photography. Steichen then took photos of gowns designed by couturier Paul Poiret. These photographs were published in the April 1911 issue of the magazine Art et Decoration. In the mid 1940’s the artists abandoned their rigid forms for a much freer style. In 1936, Martin Munkacsi made the first photographs of models in sporty poses at the beach. The models in early fashion photographs were most frequently society ladies and theatre and screen actresses rather than women working as living mannequins. Even early fashionistas needed some place to turn for the latest in style information- hence the publication of fashion magazines. Among the first was Godey’s Lady’s Book and Harper’s. While early fashion photographers focused simply on taking pictures that made both the clothing and model look good, they soon evolved to view fashion photography as a great outlet for expressing their artistic viewpoints. For example, photographers in the early 20th century, such as Baron de Meyer, generated artistic effects by using a lot of backlighting and soft-focusing. Other photographers, such as George Hoyningen-Huene and Cecil Beaton, used props. 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